
So, uh... hi?

I have no idea what has come over me to update this thing. I haven't even looked at it in almost a year. Where I left off, I hadn't even seen Bean on a sonogram and had no idea if there was a heartbeat. Well, surprise, I had a baby. A girl named Anabel Claire. She's 3 months old now and has turned out to be the light of my life in so many ways while in the same motion causing some of the darkest thoughts I've ever experienced. Welcome to the world of postpartum.

See? Cute as hell and just about worthy of the agony of pregnancy.
Since becoming a stay-at-home-mom (ugh, I never thought I'd say that) I have ZERO outlet for anything if it doesn't involve taking care of the small creature of my loins. I thought I'd fire up the old blog again just to have somewhere to write and rant and bitch. It takes far too much time (that I no longer have anyway) to actually pick up a pen and write this stuff down and I'm fairly sure my husband will appreciate not being blasted the moment he walks into the door because of my pent up aggression.
Then again... if the blogging doesn't work out, I can always drink more.


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